3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Travel with Kids (and why they are wrong)

As someone who took her first child on vacation less than a month after he was born, I’m always so surprised by parents who hold on to their stance that travelling with kids is a bad idea. I’ve heard all the reasons people give for why they don’t or won’t travel with their little ones, and these 3 seem to be the most popular. So dear friends let me present my case why these reasons are not that great, and you shouldn’t let these things stand in your way of exploring the world with your kids!

The first reason a lot of parents give me for not travelling with their kids is the one that makes me cringe the most! Especially when they use this reason for why they won’t go to Disney until their kids are older.

“Travelling with kids is a waste because they won’t remember the trip”

Meeting Minnie Mouse in Disneyland in 2017 at 1.5 years old!

Meeting Minnie Mouse in Disneyland in 2017 at 1.5 years old!

First of all, how do you (are anyone really) know when they are going to start retaining long term memory? That age is drastically different for different people! For example, I have a very very vivid memory of this leather camel figurine that stood near our TV stand in our living room, I remember wanting to play with it, and climbing on it and my mom yelling at me about….that figurine was something we owned in our apt in Egypt and I immigrated to the US when I was 3….so somehow I have retained this vivid memory from something that happened before I was 3 ears old. On the other hand my husband who has the long term memory of a cantaloupe, barely remembers anything before the age of like 10 years old. Also, and this is the important part, memories are just a record of an experience, the important part is the experience….not the record of it. There is nothing like watching your kids experience things with the fresh innocent eyes of a young child. In my top 5 favorite moments as a mom, is the one where my daughter met Minnie Mouse in Disneyland as a 1 year old, she ran right up to her and just couldn’t stop jumping up an down and squealing with delight. I have that moment documented in a video for her to see when she gets older, but most important part is that she got to have that experience. Also, don’t forget, just because they don’t remember it, doesn’t mean you won’t…what about your memories! Some of my happiest memories as a parent are of my children’s experiences while travelling.  

The 2nd reason I get is one that I get about travelling in general, but its especially applied to travelling as a family.

“Its too expensive to travel with kids”.

At the San Diego Zoo in 2014 at 9 mo old! Entire week long trip from the east coast cost less than $1500 for 3 of us!

At the San Diego Zoo in 2014 at 9 mo old! Entire week long trip from the east coast cost less than $1500 for 3 of us!

Ok so lets agree on something, travel is expensive or can be, at least its more expensive than just sitting at home. But travelling with kids, especially young kids is actually the cheapest time you will travel as a family. If they’re under 2 their flights are free! They can stay in the same room as you, often without an additional charge. A lot of times tickets and tours are either free or cheaper for kids. I did these tours in Paris with my kids and they didn’t even charge for the kids even though the tours were actually “kids themed” tours. Disney doesn’t even charge for kids until the age of 3 and there are a ton of things little kids and toddlers can do in Disney. Also, I say travel with kids while they are young and start having too many opinions about what to do and buy. Travel with those littles when they are still ok with going with the flow on the decisions you make so you have more flexibility to choose things that are more cost effective for you. So really if you are ever going to travel as a family, do it while they’re still young. Take advantage of all the ways travelling with kids is cheaper or even free!

Now the 3rd and final reason I get is a doozy, and one I can’t fully deny, but lets talk about why it still shouldn’t stand in your way.

“Its just too hard to travel with kids”

Paris in 2019,  1st international trip as a family of 4!

Paris in 2019, 1st international trip as a family of 4!

Its too hard to deal with nap times, picky eaters, temper tantrums. Not to mention, knowing where to go and what to do that is kid friendly, and a lot of parents feel like they just don’t have it in them. For that my friends, I will share this-Nothing worth doing, is ever easy. The best things in life are going to be challenging, but that doesn’t mean they are not worth doing. Remember I am a mom too, I’m a mom to 2 very different kids and they each have their quirks and trust me, I know all the challenges that we face as parents. But you know what, I still travel….and I travel successfully with my kids. So what’s the trick? There is no trick, there’s no magic button, my kids are not different or better than yours in any way, i’ve just given them more practice. The key to building resilient kids is giving them practice, how do we expect kids to know what do and how to deal with travelling if we never give the chance to try? They’re not going to get comfortable flying….until they fly. They’re not going to be good travellers….until they travel. So pack your patience, and set your expectations and get out there and give it a try. Also, maybe try small and work your way up. But get out there! Travel is so important to the human experience, it’s a way we learn and grow, and its fun. Why would you rob your child of all that just because it’s a little hard. Remember what I said, nothing worth doing in life is going to be easy.


Also, it doesn’t have to be THAT hard, working with someone who has the knowledge and expertise to help you can make a huge difference. I had to learn a lot of the things I needed to learn on my own, don’t do that….I’m here. I’m here to help, I’ve been there and done that and when you’re ready to get those kiddos on their first trip, I’ll be right here to help you every step of the way. So reach out, and lets get those kids jetsetting right along with us. So what do you say jetsetters, have I convinced you? Or do you still have concerns, what are your concerns? Leave them in the comments and lets see if we can tackle them together.



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